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Participation in the IFFW


If you want to join us in promoting the goals of the PeaceFactory, you can get involved in the following ways:


You can read and comment on our news on the blog and share it on Facebook, Twitter or other networks. You can also suggest articles and topics.


You can draw other people's attention to our homepage and our work.

You can work with our educational modules, comment on them and apply and pass on what you have learned. You can also develop educational modules in consultation and propose them for publication.

You can become a member of our association and/or support our work by making a (tax-deductible) donation and register on the association's membership page and recruit others for membership or support: our membership application: 


Our Association Account: IBAN: DE71 5225 0030 0005 0032 07




You can join one of the following teams according to your interests, skills and time capacities. You can inspire others to join you.


We want to build up an editorial team for the IFFW Peace Blog. We want to support peace activists with our news selection and our own reports. Click here to join the team:


Another team is to develop educational modules for people who (want to) get involved in peace. They should give many the foundation for the most competent possible cooperation in the networks we have initiated. This multiplier training is a key to the growth of our capacities. Click here for the team:


The networking team tries to make progress at the levels we have proposed, non-party constituency forums, nationwide peace networking, European peace networking, support for peace networking in Africa, for North-South and for the resolution of the Ukraine conflict. It does this together, but can agree on a division of labour with focal points for individual members.


Team for the construction of the IFFW Peace Meeting Place: This is about the enthusiasm of peace activists and initiatives for the construction of a jointly supported venue, the expansion of the buildings, the organisation of financing, the legal form of the PeaceFactory and the organisation of events in the IFFW.


Association members: Legally, the IFFW is the responsibility of the Friends of the International Peace Factory. The association is thus the backbone; all can strengthen it through their membership and donations and through their participation in the association. This team is reserved for the members of the association.

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