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Educational modules for peace activists or those who want to be educated:


Here you can register and help build the team that develops the peace-building building blocks for the IFFW.


The world is complicated today and so are the reasons for wars and the possibilities to create and secure peace. In order to be able to do successful peace work, people are needed who understand the global situation and the conflicts in individual states as well as possible and can also explain them to others. This can only be done through the division of labour of many people who stand up for common basic values. And we need as many people as possible who want to and are able to oppose the divisions, former reports and the building up of enemy images to justify war and armament that run daily through the media. There is a lot of knowledge about what conditions are needed for peace, a lot of historical experience and tools to analyse the situation. We hope to bring people together in the team who are willing and able to pass on this knowledge by creating educational building blocks in text, pictures and videos. If you are interested, you can help build the education team: Link:


IFFW Education Module 1: The Liar's Tale of the Supremes: "Others want to attack us, therefore we must wage a defensive war".: Die Lügenmasche: „Andere wollen uns angreifen, deshalb müssen wir einen Verteidigungskrieg führen“ (

IFFW Education Module 2: The analysis of the structural reasons for wars and suggestions for building a peaceful world in Immanuel Kant's eye-opening writing: Towards Perpetual Peace: Kants Analyse der strukturellen Gründe für Krieg und Vorschläge zum Aufbau einer friedlichen Welt (


IFFW Education Module 3: The business model of the Military-Industrial Complex requires preventing peace, fuelling tensions and initiating wars: Für´s Geschäftsmodell des Militärisch-Industriellen Komplexes: Spannungen schüren, Kriege initiieren (

IFFW education module 4: Do not use the opportunities of higher productivity for rearmament, but rather the development of an economy oriented towards social human rights: Vor 150 Jahren beschlossene Aufgaben sollten wir jetzt anpacken, bevor alles aus dem Ruder läuft (

IFFW education module 5: Für unsere Befreiung müssen wir um faire Außenpolitik ringen, gegen Vorurteil und Krieg opponieren (

IFFW education module 6: Wer westliche Kriegspropaganda als Lüge enthüllt, wird von westlichen Politikern gnadenlos verfolgt (

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