We propose to those who can, to make the building of the International PeaceFactory possible also with financial support
Association account of the International PeaceFactory Wanfried:
Sparkasse Werra-Meißner: DE70 5225 0030 0000 0513 75
We have a great project in mind: To banish war from the world. With the IFFW, we also want to contribute to strengthening the capacities to resolve conflicts peacefully. To help promote the conditions of peace that we know (Civilisational Hexagon - Wikipedia) and which have even already been adopted by states in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter (for example Art. 55 and 56).
But we are starting this with a few people. And there are no people with big incomes among them. There are no sponsorships from billionaires like the AFD has received, which directs people's justified frustration away from politicians and the wealthy towards minorities.
But we believe in ourselves and in you: The task we are tackling in the face of the threat of world war and climate destruction is so important for our survival. That is why we hope that many "small people in many small places" will also help with membership fees and donations to finance our project for all: With smaller and larger amounts. Since we are a non-profit organisation for international understanding, they are also tax-deductible.
But above all, voluntary commitment will also be necessary for the success of our project.
The International PeaceFactory has two goals:
1.) To develop a former upholstered furniture factory in the middle of Germany into a meeting and conference centre for peace.
2.) To strengthen the networking and competence of people who see an existential threat to humanity and want to build up forces themselves to find the necessary answers to the challenges. We want to promote this on a local, national, European and global level; only if this succeeds on all these levels can we master the crises.
If you feel the same way, you can join our association, contribute time and also make your financial contribution. We will do everything we can to ensure that the money helps to make a difference.

This picture was taken in Ireland. I took part in the general meeting of the global movement for the banishment of war, Worldbeyondwar. As part of this meeting with people from many countries around the world, we symbolically blocked Shannon Airport for a short time. From here, US soldiers are flown to their combat missions in the Arab states. Although Ireland is officially neutral, in this way the Irish government supports the wars of aggression of the USA and other western countries, such as that of its former colonial power, Great Britain, which violate international law. We left empty children's shoes on the approach road to the airport. They were meant to symbolise the death and suffering for which the US army is largely responsible. In the front row on the left is Northern Ireland's Nobel Peace Prize winner Mairead Maguire, who attended the Worldbeyondwar general meeting and the blockade action. I contributed to the action by singing "We shall overcome" and "We want peace for all", which I otherwise sing at the school project days and the action of the Black and White Initiative, as here at an action in Eschwege:
Für den Förderverein der Internationalen FriedensFabrik Wanfried,Wolfgang Lieberknecht